By: Zarina Musa and Azatulsheera Mohd Azman

The objective of ILC is to provide a platform for result comparison with other labs in order to fulfill Clause 7.7 Ensuring the Validity of Results of the MS ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard and requirement of Accreditation Policy 6 – Policy for Participation in Proficiency Testing Activities by the Department of Standards Malaysia. This activity is also used for CSM MySEF to identify improvements to be implemented in its activities. 

During the Reassessment Audit by the Department of Standards Malaysia on 3rd October 2024, CSM MySEF had received two findings relating to ILC. First is due to ILC that was conducted in 2023 was only between two labs, which does not meet  the requirement of the latest Accreditation Policy 6 which mandates the participation of at least three labs.

Second finding is due to the ILC 2023 report which stated reported a satisfactory result with no difference (zero difference) in findings between both labs even though upon analysis of the ILC report, it was found that there are differences for at least 3 of the tests. Additionally, CSM MySEF did not raise any corrective actions in response to this ILC.

Thus, to close these findings, CyberSecurity Malaysia MySEF (CSM MySEF) has participated in an Inter Lab Comparison (ILC) program with two other labs which were Digiforen (M) Sdn Bhd (DFMSB) and Across Verticals Sdn Bhd (AV).  The testing formally commenced on 4th November 2024 and was completed on 14th November 2024. A presentation and discussion of results by all labs was conducted on 28th November 2024. DFMSB as the organizer prepared an Inter-Laboratory Comparison Result Slide according to the discussion and the slide was finalised on 12th December 2024.  All labs then individually prepared their own report.

CSM MySEF has updated the definition that will be used for determining whether the ILC is satisfactory as the following:

SatisfactoryLabs got the same results                       OR In the case of different results, all labs accept each  other justification on respective lab results
UnsatisfactoryLabs got different results and unable to provide justification which is acceptable by all labs

CSM MySEF report was finalized on 26th Dec 2024. Looking at the result comparison, all CSM MySEF results are either the same with the other labs, or in the case of different results, all labs have accepted CSM MySEF justification on the results.

Thus, based on the definition, it can be concluded that CSM MySEF has produced a satisfactory result for this ILC. 3 improvements had also been identified to be implemented for future ILCs.

The Department of Standards Malaysia assessor has reviewed CSM MySEF report and closed the two findings on 27th Dec 2024.